Saturday, March 17, 2007

Letting Go

"It stands to reason that if we direct all our efforts towards reaching a goal, we stand in grave danger of losing everything on which we have based our daily activities. For when a goal is superimposed on an activity instead of evolving out of it, we often feel cheated when we reach it . . .If we are trained only for success, then to gain it we must necessarily use everyone and everything for this end; we may cheat, lie, crawl, betray, or give up all social life to achieve success. How much more certain would knowledge be if it came from and out of the excitement of learning itself."

Viola Spolin,
Improvisation for the Theatre

Our friend Steve Shapiro, author of "Goal Free Living" and "Innovation 24/7" published this quote recently on his blog. Steve is a good friend who truly walks his talk. As the Innovise Guys prepare for CPSI, we are mindful of the admonitions of one of our key mentors -- Viola Spolin -- who makes sense of "Innovisation" in a profound way. She inspires us daily.

Doug Stevenson
The Innovise Guys

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